Hi, my name is Beetle aka Mr Juice
Beetle was born on 9/3/2024. He is a purebred Yorkie and was a breeder surrender. Beetle was born with a hard and soft cleft palate. The breeder tube fed him until he was seven weeks old, then surrendered him to Rainbow Heart Rescue. He is very small at 3 pounds. He is having surgery this month to repair his cleft and to get neutered. Beetle is very social and loves to play. He needs to go to a home that has animals that would love to play with him, but not too rough that would hurt him as he is still learning boundaries. He LOVES kitties!! His favorite store is Home Goods. If you think you would be a great fit for Mr Juice please apply below.
Height and Weight
3 pounds
Coat Length
Energy Level
Playful, happy, silly puppy
4 months
Health and/or Medical Needs
Up to date on vaccines, scheduled to get neutered in the next few weeks
Recommended Home Environment
3 pounds
Adoption Fee
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