Hi, my RHR name was Frosty is adopted!!!
After heart shattering loss, magical moments happen that help the healing process. In this case it is the Kelly family adopting Ms. Fosty. I am madly obsessed with this kitty but sometimes it best to let them go to live their life exactly where they are needed and meant to be. Gerty told her moms that if I didn’t adopt her, they were keeping her. My heart knows it’s where she is supposed to land and I couldn’t be more excited and happy for them and their hearts. I get to see her thanks to moving back and I will get to babysit her when they travel (without me….). She’s precious and has hydrocephalus but it doesn’t slow her down. Her personality is Groot to a T! They are complete twins and it feels like he came back as Frosty! So, congratulations Patty, Sayde & Gerty. I’m so sorry for your loss of Fluffy Shark but this warms my heart and soul.